We pride ourselves in supplying the highest quality MK 677, LGD-4033, RAD140, MK 2866, IBUTAMOREN, LIGANDROL, TESTOLONE, OSTARINE at the lowest possible price. Our research chemicals are sourced from reputable chemical manufacturers, to ensure the best quality & purity available, full chemical test reports of products are provided. Raw high purity 99%+ powder is available in to buy in BULK on request.
Our liquid test samples are suspended in food grade polypropylene glycol, dispensed in medical glass bottles with lock tight sealed tops, eliminating contamination. Raw (99%+) powder comes in sealed air tight plastic medical research vials, keeping powder safe, secure and sterile. All products have manufacturers analysis reports showing the purity of product .
Our free delivery service guarantees that all your orders will be shipped to your address free of charge via our tracked courier services that also ensure safe delivery. We are here to give help & support, we welcome any questions you may have regarding our products, please Contact Us by email or phone, we will be happy to help.
Mk 677 is a Growth Hormone Secretagogue, which minics the effects of Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) MK 677 is not a SARMs.
It was manufactured by Ammonet Pharma & Lumos Pharma. Mk 677 was developed for the treatment of Growth Hormone deficiency & muscle wasting diseases, due to its ability to increase Growth Hormone levels in the body, build lean muscle mass, strengthen bone & tendons, speed up wound & injury healing by tissue regeneration, strengthen hair & nails, increase the production of collagen. Mk 677 is a low cost alternative to HGH. At present under research for use in the medical industry.
These products are available in Liquid and Powder Forms.LGD-4033 is a nonsteroidal oral Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARMs). Discovered by Ligand Pharmaceuticals, manufactured by Viking Therapeutics. It was developed for it's ability to significantly increase strength & muscle mass, speed up the healing process & reduce body fat. It is an safer alternative to steroids, without associated side effects. At present under research for use in the medical industry.
These products are available in Liquid and Powder Forms.RAD-140 is a nonsteroidal Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARMs), manufactured by Radius Health inc, it was licensed by Ellipses Pharmaceutics in 2020. RAD-140 was developed for the treatment of low testosterone, as it naturally mimics production of testosterone in the body. It has the ability to rapidly increase muscle mass & strength, together with significantly reducing body fat, it is a safer alternitive to steroids, without the associated side effects. At present under research for use in the medical industry
These products are available in Liquid and Powder Forms.MK-2866 is a nonsteroidal Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARMs), developed by GTx, inc. Designed to combat muscle wasting diseases, by naturally raising testosterone levels in the body, promoting strength and endurance to grow and heal muscles faster, stripping fat and raising energy levels.This product is at present under research for use in the medical industry.
These products are available in Liquid and Powder Forms.Cardarine, also known as GW-501516, is a compound categorised as a PPARδ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta) agonist. It primarily targets the PPARδ receptors in the body. Cardarine is not a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator), but it shares similarities with these compounds in terms of its performance-enhancing effects.
Originally developed during a research collaboration between Ligand Pharmaceuticals and GlaxoSmithKline, Cardarine was initially investigated for its potential use in treating metabolic and cardiovascular conditions. It operates by activating the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor delta (PPARδ) in the body. When this receptor is stimulated, it enhances the expression of genes involved in energy metabolism and fat utilisation. As a result, Cardarine promotes the body's ability to burn fat for energy, ultimately leading to increased endurance, improved stamina, and a more efficient metabolism. However, this substance is at present under research for use in the medical industry.
This product is available in liquid form.MK 677, LGD-4033, RAD140, MK 2866, IBUTAMOREN, LIGANDROL, TESTOLONE, OSTARINE
What's all the fuss about Mk677? It's a relatively new chemical that allows our bodies to produce more of our own Human Growth Hormone, promoting growth in muscles and tendons, increased bone density, stronger hair and nails, increased colegen production, stronger immune system, MK677 will also help with insomnia.
Have you ever wondered if supplements known for building muscle might offer other health benefits? RAD-140, commonly called Testolone, is one such supplement. While it's primarily used to enhance muscle…
Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) have emerged as a fascinating area of research with the potential to revolutionise various fields of medicine and science. These compounds offer a targeted approach…
It is no secret that individuals in the bodybuilding community consume various compounds to support their athletic goals. There are various SARMs available to achieve different fitness and bodybuilding goals.…
Great quality product very knowledgeable company answered all my questions best about by far.
Paul was so helpful as I was asking a lot of questions which he answered promptly. I recommend this company to anybody.
Quality products at very reasonable prices. The customer service was superb, and I would definitely recommend this company!
MK 677, LGD-4033, RAD140, MK 2866, IBUTAMOREN, LIGANDROL, TESTOLONE, OSTARINE we are in no way promoting personal use of these chemicals. The purchase and sale of our products are 100% legal in the UK for research purposes
** For research purposes only.